
Current Members


Lt Col Janaka Menik Achchi

Lieutenant Colonel Janaka Menik Achchi studied at Tholangamuwa Central College and he started my military career by enlisting to the Intake 50 on 06th July 1999. After completion of basic military training at the SLMA, he was commissioned in the rank of Second Lieutenant and posted to the Gajaba Regiment. Later on, He voluntarily joined Special Forces in the year 2001 and successfully completed Special Forces Basic Course Number 29 in the year 2002. Since 2002, he has played a vital role in being an extraordinary member of the Sri Lanka Army Special Forces.

He served as Battalion contingent commander in Lebanon to provide protection to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). He followed many academic related courses and sharpened his knowledge in various subject areas such as IHL & HR course at the Institute of Peace Support Operations Training Sri Lanka, Potential Observer and Staff Officer Course, Logistics Staff Course Number ? 05 at Army School of Logistics Trincomalee in year 2019. He pursued MBA in Logistics Management at General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University. He has held the key appointments of Group Commander 2nd Regiment Special Forces, Intelligence Officer 2nd Regiment Special Forces, Adjutant 2nd Regiment Special Forces, Officer Commanding K ? SQN 4th Regiment Special Forces, Operation and Training Officer 2nd Regiment Special Forces, Instructor ? Sri Lanka Military Academy Diyathalawa, Senior Diving Officer and Chief Diving Officer at Special Forces Combat Diving Training School, 2nd In Command 3rd Regiment Special Forces, Brigade Major SFBDE and Commanding Officer 4th Regiment Special. 

At present he is holding the appointment of Research Coordinator ? Faculty of Defence and Strategic Studies, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University. For his dedicated service to eliminate terrorism during the period of war and his participation in several significant military campaigns he has been awarded with the gallantry awards Rana Wickrama Padakkama (RWP) twice, Rana Sura Padakkma (RSP) twice and Uththama Sewa Padakkma (USP). Moreover, He got married to Mrs Inoka Sudharshani Premathilaka in year 2010.


Dr. Asantha Senevirathne

Dr. Asantha Senevirathna is currently working as a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Strategic Studies, Faculty of Defence and Strategic Studies at General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (KDU), Sri Lanka. Dr Senevirathna has a PhD in International Relations and an MA in International Relations from the University of Colombo. He obtained his BA(Hons) in Geography from the University of Peradeniya. Before joining KDU, He was the Programme Officer of the International Relations Division at the Bandaranaike Centre for International Studies (BCIS), Colombo.

Apart from KDU, He is a Visiting Lecturer/Resource person for programs at National Defence College (NDC), Colombo, Defence Services Command and Staff College (DSCSC), Batalanda, Army War College (AWC), Buttala, Sri Lanka Air Force Junior Staff & Command College, China Bay, Trincomalee, and Bandaranaike Centre for International Studies (BCIS), Colombo.

Dr Asantha Senevirathna was a recipient of the 'Knowing China' programme at the invitation of the Chinese People Association for Peace and Disarmament (CPAPS) in 2011. He is also a member of the Near East Centre for South Asia (NESA), USA, A ?Kautilya Fellow? at India Foundation, India, and a member of the Regional Centre for Strategic Studies (RCSS), Sri Lanka. He has a special interest in the field of Geopolitics with a focus on global power politics.


Ushan Maniyangama

Ushan Maniyangama is a final year undergraduate day scholar of Faculty of Defence and Strategic Studies. He is a proud product of Thurstan College Colombo.


Thenuka Karunarathne

Thenuka Karunarathe is a final year undergraduate day scholar of Faculty of Defence and Strategic Studies. He is a proud product of St. Mary’s College Kegalle.


Chathumini Rajapakshe

Chathumini Rajapakshe is a final year undergraduate day scholar of Faculty of Defence and Strategic Studies. He is a proud product of Prince of Wales' College Moratuwa.


Sahara Weerasinghe

Sahara Weerasinghe is a final year undergraduate day scholar of Faculty of Defence and Strategic Studies. He is a proud product of Girls' High School Kandy.


Kavitha Ihagama

Kavitha Ihagama is a final year undergraduate day scholar of Faculty of Defence and Strategic Studies. He is a proud product of Girls' High School Kandy.


HMTU Herath


LGD Damsiluni

Past Members


Major Asanka Egalla