The Faculty of Defence and Strategic Studies (FDSS) and the Centre for Strategic Assessment (CSA) organized a session on ‘Panel Discussion on the Indo Pacific: The Sri Lankan and French Visions and Stakes’ on 19th February 2024 at the Faculty of Graduate Studies auditorium. The Chief Guest, Jean-François Pactet, Ambassador of France to Sri Lanka, graced the occasion with his distinguished presence. The session was conducted by the Ambassador for the Indo-Pacific, France H.E. Marc Abensour, Dr. Ganeshan Wingnaraja, and Mr. Rohan Masakorala and, was moderated by Dr. Harinda Vidanage. The discussion focused on the French approach to the Indo-Pacific. The audience comprised academics, senior military officers, and undergraduates from the Faculty of Defence and Strategic Studies, the Faculty of Law and, the Faculty of Criminal Justice.