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Institute of Security Governance (ISG) workshop on the concept of "Wargaming" in collaboration with KDU CSA

June 21, 2024

The Institute of Security Governance (ISG) conducted a capacity-building workshop on 19th of June 2024 in association with the Centre for Strategic Assessment (CSA) of FDSS at Cinnamon Grand Hotel. The main objective of this workshop is to enhance the capacity of CSA, which could help to disseminate the concept of 'Wargaming" to other stakeholders within the institution as well as other institutions.

The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Defence and Admnistration) Major General CA Wickramasinghe USP USACGSC, Rector Sothern Campus Major General LCR Jayasooriya participated for the above event along with the representatives of from ISG, Institute of National Security Studies including the Faculty of Defence and Strategic Studies KDU.