Kanchana Dodan Godage is a Political Scientist currently teaching at the General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (KDU), Sri Lanka. She is interested in diaspora politics, the electoral process, levels of government, and exploring how ethnic diversities interact and influence different layers of policymaking and implementation. She received a BA and an MA in Political Science from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. She also has an MA in Public Policy and Governance from the North South University, Bangladesh. As an academic member and a researcher, Ms. Godage has served in many state universities and administrative institutions in the country. Before joining KDU, she was serving as a Senior Lecturer in the department of Social Studies of the Open University of Sri Lanka.
2014-2015: Master’s in Public
Policy and Governance North South University, Bangladesh
2011-2012: Master of
Arts in Political Science Department of Political Science, University of
Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
2004-2008: Bachelor of Arts
(Honors) in Political Science Department of Political Science, University of
Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
2008-2009: Diploma in Human
Rights, Centre for the Study of Human Rights, University of Peradeniya
Diaspora politics
· Policymaking.
Refereed Journals
Kanchana, D.G. and West, C.M, (2024) “Urban
Buddhism in Sri Lanka: Structures of Trust in the COVID-19 Pandemic”, in Asian
Medicine, Vol-14, Brill.
Kanchana, D.G., (2020), “Globalization and its
impacts on state functions: The case of Sri Lanka”, Vistas. Vol. 13. Issue II,
pp.113-131. The Open University of Sri Lanka.
Kanchana, D.G., and Samarakoon, A.K., (2018),
“Role of E-governance in curbing public sector corruptions (A Theoretical
Overview)”, OUSL Journal (2018), 13(1), pp.5–27.
Kanchana, D.G., (2017). “Sustainable Development
and Development Projects in Sri Lanka: A Case Study on Norochcholai Coal Fired
Thermal Development Project”. In H.S. Senevi (ed). Sabaragamuwa
Vishwavidyalayeeya Shasthreeya Sangrahaya, Vol: 08: 2017. pp. 54 95.
Belihuloya: Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. (In Sinhala language).
Kanchana, D.G., (2016). “Accountability Issues
in Local Government Institutions of Sri Lanka: A Study of the Hali-Ela
Pradeshiya Sabha”, South Asian Journal of Social Sciences (SAJSS), Vol-01,
No.01, January-June 2016. pp. 18-27.
Presentations and Publications
in Conference Proceedings
Delivered a session keynote lecture on
Globalization: how it works and what went wrong in a two-day International
Seminar on Globalization through the Lenses of Cultural Pluralism and National
Identity: Social, Economic and Historical Perspectives, Departments of
Economics and History, Gobardanga Hindu College, Kolkata, India, 6th & 7th
January 2020.
‘Populism in action: stories from the pandemic
in Sri Lanka’, co-presented with West, C.M. South Asian Studies Association of
Australia, monthly seminar series, July 2021.
Full papers in Conference
Kanchana, D.G., (2016), “Different paradigms of
Public Administration as a discipline: The way of responding to the challenges
occurred in public sector over time (A Theatrical Overview)”, In T. Sanathanan
(ed). Towards a Greener Future: Proceedings of a Jaffna University
International Research Conference (JUICE-2016). pp. 359-369.
Kanchana, D.G., (2016) “Institutionalization
Process of Managing for Development Results (MfDR) in the Public Sector
Institutions: A Study on the Health Sector in Sri Lanka”, In Jayampathi
Kumasaru (ed). Proceedings: 5th International Conference on Management and
Economics. Matara: University of Ruhuna, pp. 375-398.
Extended Abstracts /Abstracts
in Conference proceedings
Kanchana, D.G., (2018) “Learners’ Perception on
Open and Distance Learning via Online: A Case from OUSL”, Books of Abstracts:
Open University International Research Sessions-iOURS 2018.
Kanchana, D.G., (2016), “Globalization and the
Developmental role of a State: The Sri Lankan Experience from its Independence
to date”. Abstracts: 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences,
University of Kelaniya:
Kanchana, D.G., (2016), “Challenges of Learning
Tamil as an Official Language: A Study on Public Sector Officials”. Abstracts:
Second International Conference on Linguistics in Sri Lanka (ICLSL 2016).
University of Kelaniya.
Kanchana, D.G., (2016), “Effectiveness of the
Social capital for the Empowerment of Women: A Study on Neethra Samadhi Women’s
2 | D G K C V Foundation”. Proceedings: Peradeniya University International
Research Sessions (iPURSE 2016). Vol. 20.
Kanchana, D.G., and Senadeera, A.N., (2015),
“Different Paradigms of Public Administration: The Sri Lankan Experience from
1900s to 1970s Onwards”. In Sunil Chandrasiri. et.al., (eds). Proceedings of
the Annual Research Symposium-2015: Role of Postgraduate Research in an
Efficiency Driven Economy. Colombo: University of Colombo.
Kanchana, D.G., (2013). “An Analysis of the
Challenges of Sustainable Development in Sri Lanka with Special Reference to
the Development Project Planning and Implementation: A Case Study of
Norochcholai Coal Fired Thermal Development Project”, In I. Renuka Priyantha,
(ed). Programme and Abstracts, Matara: University of Ruhuna.
Kanchana, D.G., (2013), “Women’s Participation
and their Activities in Decision Making: A Case study of Hali Ela Pradeshiya
Sabha”, In Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka, 6th Research Conference, 28th to
30th March 2013. Abstracts. Colombo. pp. 98 -99.
Pradeep, H.U.S. and Kanchana, D.G., (2011), “The
Role of E- Governance in Curbing Corruption of the Public Sector: A Case study
of Devinuwara Divisional Secretariat Office”, In I.D. Silva. et.al. (eds).
Proceedings of the Peradeniya University Research Sessions (PURSE) 2011. Vol.
Book Chapters in Edited Volumes
West, C.M., and Kanchana.D.G, (2023), “Miracle
Cure for COVID-19 in Sri Lanka: Kali and the Politics behind Dhammika Paniya”,
CoronAsur: Asian Religions in the Covidian Age, University of Hawai’i Press. https://manifold.uhpress.hawaii.edu/projects/coronasur
Kanchana, D.G., (2019) “Political Culture”. In
Saman Handaragama (ed). Political Sociology-3. Baththaramulla: Sameera.
pp.17-53. (In Sinhala language).
Kanchana, D.G., (2019). —Citizenship: An Inquiry
on Classical and Modern Perspectives”. In Rev. Kubhalgoda Dhammaloka Thero
(ed.) Sambhasha Shasthreeya Sangrahaya, Vol: 20: 2019, pp.364-388.
Baththaramulla: Ministry of Education (Piriven Education Unit). (In Sinhala
Kanchana, D.G., (2016). “Sustainable
Development: Development Project Planning and Implementation (A Theoretical
Overview)”. In Rev. Napiriththan Kadawara Ghaanarathana Thero and Rev.
Kubhalgoda Dhammaloka Thero (eds.). Sambhasha Shasthreeya Sangrahaya, Vol: 19:
2016. pp. 600-628. Baththaramulla: Ministry of Education (Piriven Education
Unit). (In Sinhala language).
Kanchana, D.G., (2013). “The Practical
Implementation and the Modern Trends of the American Constitution”. In Rev.
Rasnakawawe Sangarathana Thero. (ed). Ghanôddeepanee. The Felicitation Volume
of Venerable Nugethenne Sri Panghãnandhabhidhana Thero, Anuradhapura: Sri
Sambuddhathwa Jayanthi Dharma Pusthakalaya, Sri Sambuddhathwa Jayanthi
Viharaya, Annuradhapura. pp. 446-477. (In Sinhala language).