Club Activities
Club activities are also an integral part of KDU student life. The Clubs are proposed and run by the students themselves under the guidance and supervision of the Faculty of Defence and Strategic Studies.
These activities inculcate officer cadets and day scholars with the necessary sense of teamwork and brotherhood while engaging in activities they like. Clubs are also a path to enhance the varied talents among the student body of KDU and essential soft skills, with a view to developing their overall personality.

Arts and Culture Club
This Club is aimed at incorporating the rich culture and arts of the country into the student community of KDU. The students involved in this Club engage in varied activities to enrich the club members and the student body as a whole.The Annual Book Fair of General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University is organized by the members of the Arts and Culture Club in collaboration with leading bookshops of Colombo. Vesak seela Wyaparaya is organized by the mamebers of the Arts and Culture Club.

Photography Club
The Photography Club creates opportunities for the students to enhance their artistic skills by viewing the aspects of nature in a different angle. The club organizes photographic sessions and outings to generate interest among the members. One of the major events that the Photograpy club commended was the taking of photograps of sports club activities needed for the Intake 29 Parents day presentation.

Eco Club
Eco Club was inaugurated in 1999 as the Habitat Club with the aim of making the officer cadets aware of natural environment and conservation of rare plants. Through activities of this club, the officer cadets learn to keep their surroundings beautiful, cleaned and preserved. The ECO club has already effectuated many activities such as the Green House Project, Herbal Garden project, Ata Visi Bodi Ruksha Project and project of naming the plants in KDU’s inhabitants and visitors. To achieve club goals the members conduct Various Workshops and programmes such as bird watching camps and weekly presentation programmes.

Music and Dancing Club
The Music and dancing club, known as “MUDA CLUB”, was formed on 08th May 1999 to develop artistic talents of the students. The club is responsible for the smooth functioning of the “BEIGE” music group in which officer cadets play a prominent role as musicians. At present, this club functions as two sections: Music Club and Dancing Club. Every intake in KDU has its own music band named ‘Beige’ The Beige plays during events like intake Parents Day, KDU new year festival. KDU dancers gave a unique performance at the July Ball adding more colour to the event. Dancing couples of KDU take part in international dancing competitions

Chess club
It was a significant milestone to introduce a strategically important game like chess as another club activity at General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University. The game is recognized as extremely useful to improve strategic skills of officer cadets who will be members of the tri-services, as well as for civilian students to develop their logical thinking. This popular game, which spans some 1,500 years, is very useful specifically for psychological health. In fact, it is considered as a form of recreational therapy as it keeps the mind healthy and creates a healthy physique.

Speech and Drama Club/ Toast Masters Club
Toast Masters Club was established to develop fluency and communication skills in the English Language. The club creates enough opportunities to develop the officer cadets’ talents in speech and drama. KDU tostmasters club now form an official member of Toastmasters International, an international non profit organization with a world wide membership. Promoting the effective use of language and verbal communication skills. KDU joins the elite group of 4 state universities in the country with registered clubs

E-Club/ E-library
E- club is one of the most significant clubs in the university since it is responsible for maintaining and updating the university web site.
More ever, The Club presented an E-library to the KDU library consisting of software, e books, military videos and other learning CDs and DVDS.

Air Rifle Club
The Air Rifle Club was formed in 2012. In this short span of time the club has expanded its membership and activities exponentially, as the student body of KDU comprises of military students, part of whose training includes handling several types of weapons. It is also drawing in the civilian students who wish to take advantageof the unique opportunity provided by being a part of the student body of the only defence university in the country. The Club aims to promote interest in and respect towards the art of Air Rifle shooting, and develop the marksmanship of KDU Officer Cadets.

The Bridge Club
The Bridge Club at KDU was inaugurated on 30th May 2012 under the patronage of Hon. Wasantha Senanayake, Member of Parliament, with a view to exposing the cadets to a world famous mind stimulating game. Contract Bridge or simply bridge is a risk-taking game using a standard deck of 52 playing cards. It is played by four players grouped into two competing teams with partners facing each other around a table.
This game is considered to be the most mindstimulating card game ever conceived. At the same time it takes a longer period to learn it and even longer to master it. The keys to success are good straight-forward lessons and a lot of practice. The enthusiasts of this club have shown great dedication to learning the intricacies of the game.

Rowing Club
Rowing club is responsible for developing water sport skills of officer cadets.
In its short history, the university rowers have already achived much. The team was able to become the overall champion in indoor rowing meets in 2010 and 2011. in addition, it has won many medals in both outdoor and indoor rowing meets.

Rotaract Club
The Rotaract club at KDU was inaugurated on 7th Auguest 2013. It is one of the newest additions to the list of active Clubs of KDU. Rotaract is an international organisation, under Rotary international, for young adults between the ages of 18-30. Being under the youth services arm of Rotary, Rotaract too is mainly a community service oriented organisation. The avenue of community service and international understanding are recognised as the pillars of Rotaract. Moreover Rotaract also carriers out projects under the avenues of professional development, club service and finance. In this inaugural year, Rotaract club of KDU is planning to give priority to conduct service projects which benefits the immediate surrounding community of our university and the university it self; as per the vision of our Vice Chancellor, Major General M.P Peiris.
Visit Rotaract Club Website

Rover Scouts
August 27th 2020 was a special day for Sri Lankan Scout Association as well for General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University since the first National Rover Scout Crew of Sri Lanka was formed with the selected 100 Officer Cadets and Day Scholars of KDU including 24 President Scouts to commemorate the centenary year of the Sri Lanka Rover Scouting at the Inauguration Ceremony of National Rovers held at KDU. Rover scouting is a programme intended for adult men and women to guide them to become better citizens. The history of Sri Lanka Rover Scouting dates back to 1920, and this year Rover Scouting of Sri Lanka celebrates its centenary. Rovering as the direct continuation of Scouting finds first and foremost its application to the personal development and character growth of youngsters. Further, it is vital for them to be interconnected with the world to lead a home life with real value and virtues as good citizens. Rovering provides great opportunities for adventure, exploration and service with full of satisfaction, and there are many opportunities to get socialized and meet new people. This endeavour will give the opportunity for KDU undergraduates to take part in national and international Scouts Moots, youth forums and World Jamborees as international representatives and develop their social and leadership skills.