Major Deshan Abeyweera is from the Sri Lanka Artillery Regiment . He studied at Alawwa Central College,Alawwa. On 03 January 2005, he Joined Sri Lanka Army as an Officer Cadet to Sri Lanka Military Academy (SLMA). After completion of the basic military training at SLMA, he was commissioned to the rank of Second Lieutenant on 16 June 2007 and posted to the Sri Lanka Artillery regiment, a prestigious regiment of Sri Lanka Army and subsequently posted to 7th Light Artillery Regiment.
During his tour of duty, he has hold following important appointments:
Command Appointments
- Brigade Major
Staff Appointments
- Aid to Camp (ADC) – Major General Mahinda Hathurusinghe RWP ndc IG
- Intelligent Officer – 7th Light Artillery Regiment
- Battery Kaptain – 7th Light Artillery Regiment
- Adjutant – 7th Light Artillery Regiment
- Battery Commander – 7th Light Artillery Regiment
- Staff Officer III – Directorate of Movement, Army Head Quarters.
- General Staff Officer II – Directorate of Staff Duties, Army Head Quarters.
Instructor Appointments
- Squadron Commander – Kotelawala Defence University.
- Instructor for the Special Leadership packages conducted to university students’/school prefects.
In recognition of his valuable and unblemished service rendered to the Army/ Country, he has awarded with following medals.
- Uththma Sewa Padakkama
- 75th Anniversary of Independence Medal
- Sri Lanka Armed Services Long Service Medal
- Service Medals