Major Sriyan Wijerathne is from the Sri Lanka Army Gajaba Regiment. He received his primary and secondary education from Dharmaraja College- Kandy. He joined the Sri Lanka Army on 12 August 2008 under Intake 68 to the Sri Lanka Military Academy Diyatalawa (SLMA). After completion of the basic military training at SLMA, he was commissioned to the rank of Second Lieutenant on 21 December 2010 and posted to the Gajaba Regiment and subsequently posted to 22d Gajaba Regiment.
During his tour of duty, he has held the following appointments:
Command Appointments
- Platoon Commander – 22 Gajaba Regiment
- Officer Commanding – 22 Gajaba Regiment
Staff Appointments
- Intelligence Officer – 22 Gajaba Regiment
- Adjutant – 22 Gajaba Regiment
- Staff Officer 2 ( Web) – Directorate of M Media, AHQ
Instructor Appointments
- Squadron Commander – Kotelawala Defence University.
In recognition of his valuable and unblemished service rendered to the Army/ Country, he has been awarded with the following medals:
- 75th Anniversary of Independence Medal
- Sri Lanka Armed Services Long Service Medal
- Sewabhimani Medal
- Service Medal