A tantalizing evening filled with entertainment and showcasing the talents of day scholars of intake 41 was successfully concluded at the university premises in the form of a variety show cum mini carnival on 14 March 2024. The event was organized to mark the culmination of the leadership skill development programme of the newly enrolled freshers, marking a significant milestone at the initial stage of their academic journey. This was a novel concept initiated by the students deviating from the traditional model of a variety show that the university has experienced during the culmination of previous leadership programmes.
The event commenced by giving priority to traditional rituals, lighting the oil lamp followed by a pooja dance performed by the students. The mesmerizing talents of the students were then staged in front of a fully packed audience which consisted of the Vice Chancellor, military staff, academia, non academic staff, parents, Officer Cadets and Day Scholars of other intakes. The first session comprised of dramas, songs, dances and instrumental events performed by the students of Intake 41 which stirred the aesthetic taste buds of everyone present indulging them with a mix of eastern, western and traditional artistic performances.
The second session was organized to give an opportunity for the students to be a part of the audience to enjoy the festive atmosphere at liberty with the well renowned “Stereo” band performing live on stage with a combination of DJ music. The entertainment was at its best as the arena occupied a number of gaming, food and beverage stalls put up by leading companies giving the ultimate experience for the gathering.
Most notably the organizing of the event certainly tested the leadership skills of the freshers in organizing an event of such magnitude through their own initiatives which was also the final objective of putting into practice on what they have learned and experienced during the leadership package at the KDU embodying the university’s ethos of excellence and service, inspiring generations to come.